Convert cartesian (x, y) coordinates to a point in ternary space.
Numeric values giving the x and y coordinates of a point or points.
(optional) Integer specifying the direction that the current ternary plot should point: 1, up; 2, right; 3, down; 4, left.
(optional) Named list of length two specifying the the
imum and max
imum values of each ternary axis to be drawn
(e.g. list(min = c(40, 0, 0), max = c(100, 60, 60)
or a set of coordinates in a format accepted by TernaryPoints()
The plotted region will correspond to the smallest equilateral triangle
that encompasses the specified ranges or coordinates.
Returns the ternary point(s) corresponding to the
specified x and y coordinates, where a + b + c = 1.
Other coordinate translation functions:
XYToTernary(c(0.1, 0.2), 0.5)
#> [,1] [,2]
#> a 0.5773503 0.57735027
#> b 0.3113249 0.41132487
#> c 0.1113249 0.01132487