The base 2 logarithm of the number of trees containing s steps, calculated by scoring a character on each n-leaf tree.



A list with the structure profiles[[number of leaves]][[number of tokens]][[tokens in smallest split]] The list entry returns a named numeric vector; each entry lists log2(proportion of n-leaf trees with s or fewer steps for this character).

See also

Other profile parsimony functions: Carter1(), PrepareDataProfile(), StepInformation(), WithOneExtraStep()



# Load profile for a character of the structure 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
profile3.5 <- profiles[[8]][[2]][[3]]

# Number of trees with _s_ or fewer steps on that character
TreeTools::NUnrooted(8) * 2 ^ profile3.5
#>     1     2     3     4 
#>   225  2475  8019 10395