‘PlotTools’ is an R package that allows the legends for continuous variables to be added to plots using the familiar functions of the default ‘graphics’ package. It also includes utility functions to manipulate irregular polygons and locate their centres.
Install the latest production version from CRAN using
or install the development version from GitHub with
Please let me know of any feature requests or bugs by opening an issue on GitHub.
# Select a colour palette
palette <- if (packageVersion("grDevices") > 3.6) hcl.colors else heat.colors
# Plot some example data
xlab = "Speed / mph",
ylab = "Stopping distance / ft",
col = palette(125 + 1)[cars$dist + 1], # Colour points by distance
cex = cars$speed / 10, # Size points by speed
pch = 16, # Use filled circle for points
frame.plot = FALSE
# Display legend for colour scale
"topleft", # Legend position
palette = palette, # Display our chosen palette
legend = seq(125, 0, length.out = 6), # Annotate positions on legend
title = "Distance",
bty = "n" # Don't frame with box
# Display legend for plotting symbol sizes
"bottomright", # Legend position
palette = "darkgrey", # Set colour - may be continuous
horiz = TRUE, # Orient horizontally
width = c(0, 2.5), scale = "pch", # Scale for plotting character
legend = seq(0, 25, by = 5), # Annotate positions on legend
x.intersp = 0, # Set x spacing
bty = "n", # Don't frame with box
inset = 0.05, # Inset from plot edges
title = "Speed"

Cite this package as:
Smith, Martin R. (2023). PlotTools: Add continuous legends to plots. Comprehensive R Archive Network, doi:10.5281/zenodo.7803390.
Please note that the ‘PlotTools’ project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.