Custom searchFunctions to search for optimal phylogenetic trees. |
Jackknife resampling |
Parsimony Ratchet |
Tree scoringFunctions that provide tree scores, for optimization. |
Character length |
Contribution of character to leaf instability |
Minimum and Maximum lengths possible for a character |
Rank taxa by their influence on phylogenetic results |
Calculate the parsimony score of a tree given a dataset |
Evaluate the concordance of information between a tree and a dataset |
Consistency / retention "indices" |
Plot the distribution of a character on a tree |
Parsimony score of random postorder tree |
Split supportFunctions that calculate node support. |
Label nodes with jackknife support values |
Jackknife resampling |
Find most parsimonious trees |
Calculate site concordance factor |
Tree (re)constructionTree generation and rearrangement functions. |
Addition tree |
Random postorder tree |
Nearest neighbour interchange (NNI) |
All SPR trees |
Subtree pruning and rearrangement (SPR) |
Tree bisection and reconnection (TBR) |
Rearrange edges of a phylogenetic tree |
Profile parsimonyFunctions to help calculate profile parsimony scores. |
Number of trees with m steps |
Prepare data for Profile Parsimony |
Information content of a character known to contain e steps |
Number of trees with one extra step |
Empirically counted profiles for small trees |
Morphy APIsFunctions that interface with the Morphy C library. |
Read how a Morphy Object handles the inapplicable token |
Set and get the character weightings associated with a Morphy object. |
Initialize a Morphy object from a |
Morphy object from single character |
Destroy a Morphy object |
Is an object a valid Morphy object? |
Details the attributes of a morphy object |
DatasetsData that accompanies the package. |
100 simulated data matrices |
Thirty datasets with inapplicable data |
Empirically counted profiles for small trees |
Tree topology for matrix simulation |
Utility functionsMiscellaneous functions used within the package. |
Cluster similar strings |
Relationship between four taxa |
When was a tree topology first hit? |