TreeLength() uses the Morphy library (Brazeau et al. 2017) to calculate a parsimony score for a tree, handling inapplicable data according to the algorithm of Brazeau et al. (2019) . Trees may be scored using equal weights, implied weights (Goloboff 1993) , or profile parsimony (Faith and Trueman 2001) .

IWScore(tree, dataset, concavity = 10L, ...)

TreeLength(tree, dataset, concavity = Inf)

# S3 method for phylo
TreeLength(tree, dataset, concavity = Inf)

# S3 method for numeric
TreeLength(tree, dataset, concavity = Inf)

# S3 method for list
TreeLength(tree, dataset, concavity = Inf)

# S3 method for multiPhylo
TreeLength(tree, dataset, concavity = Inf)

Fitch(tree, dataset)



A tree of class phylo, a list thereof (optionally of class multiPhylo), or an integer -- in which case tree random trees will be uniformly sampled.


A phylogenetic data matrix of phangorn class phyDat, whose names correspond to the labels of any accompanying tree.


Determines the degree to which extra steps beyond the first are penalized. Specify a numeric value to use implied weighting (Goloboff 1993) ; concavity specifies k in k / e + k. A value of 10 is recommended; TNT sets a default of 3, but this is too low in some circumstances (Goloboff et al. 2018; Smith 2019) . Better still explore the sensitivity of results under a range of concavity values, e.g. k = 2 ^ (1:7). Specify Inf to weight each additional step equally. Specify "profile" to employ profile parsimony (Faith and Trueman 2001) .


unused; allows additional parameters specified within ... to be received by the function without throwing an error.


TreeLength() returns a numeric vector containing the score for each tree in tree.


Brazeau MD, Guillerme T, Smith MR (2019). “An algorithm for morphological phylogenetic analysis with inapplicable data.” Systematic Biology, 68(4), 619--631. doi:10.1093/sysbio/syy083 .

Brazeau MD, Smith MR, Guillerme T (2017). “MorphyLib: a library for phylogenetic analysis of categorical trait data with inapplicability.” doi:10.5281/zenodo.815372 .

Faith DP, Trueman JWH (2001). “Towards an inclusive philosophy for phylogenetic inference.” Systematic Biology, 50(3), 331--350. doi:10.1080/10635150118627 .

Goloboff PA (1993). “Estimating character weights during tree search.” Cladistics, 9(1), 83--91. doi:10.1111/j.1096-0031.1993.tb00209.x .

Goloboff PA, Torres A, Arias JS (2018). “Weighted parsimony outperforms other methods of phylogenetic inference under models appropriate for morphology.” Cladistics, 34(4), 407--437. doi:10.1111/cla.12205 .

Smith MR (2019). “Bayesian and parsimony approaches reconstruct informative trees from simulated morphological datasets.” Biology Letters, 15(2), 20180632. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2018.0632 .

See also

Other tree scoring: CharacterLength(), LengthAdded(), MinimumLength(), MorphyTreeLength(), TaxonInfluence()


Martin R. Smith (using Morphy C library, by Martin Brazeau)


tree <- TreeTools::BalancedTree(inapplicable.phyData[[1]])
TreeLength(tree, inapplicable.phyData[[1]])
#> [1] 1117
TreeLength(tree, inapplicable.phyData[[1]], concavity = 10)
#> [1] 52.75785
TreeLength(tree, inapplicable.phyData[[1]], concavity = "profile")
#> → Inapplicable tokens treated as ambiguous for profile parsimony
#> Warning: Can handle max. 2 informative tokens. Dropping others.
#> Warning: Can handle max. 2 informative tokens. Dropping others.
#> Warning: Can handle max. 2 informative tokens. Dropping others.
#> Warning: Can handle max. 2 informative tokens. Dropping others.
#> Warning: Can handle max. 2 informative tokens. Dropping others.
#> Warning: Can handle max. 2 informative tokens. Dropping others.
#> Warning: Can handle max. 2 informative tokens. Dropping others.
#> Warning: Can handle max. 2 informative tokens. Dropping others.
#> Warning: Can handle max. 2 informative tokens. Dropping others.
#> Warning: Can handle max. 2 informative tokens. Dropping others.
#> Warning: Can handle max. 2 informative tokens. Dropping others.
#> Warning: Can handle max. 2 informative tokens. Dropping others.
#> Warning: Can handle max. 2 informative tokens. Dropping others.
#> Warning: Can handle max. 2 informative tokens. Dropping others.
#> Warning: Can handle max. 2 informative tokens. Dropping others.
#> Warning: Can handle max. 2 informative tokens. Dropping others.
#> Warning: Can handle max. 2 informative tokens. Dropping others.
#> Warning: Can handle max. 2 informative tokens. Dropping others.
#> Warning: Can handle max. 2 informative tokens. Dropping others.
#> Warning: Can handle max. 2 informative tokens. Dropping others.
#> [1] 3941.387
TreeLength(5, inapplicable.phyData[[1]])
#> [1] 1974 1943 1876 1907 1946