Supplementary Information for: The sclerite bearing ancestry of Lophotrochozoa
Supplementary Text
This document comtains supplementary material to Smith (n.d.).
It describes the morphological dataset and the results of tree searches using Fitch parsimony and a Bayesian method: approaches that are subject to errors resulting from logically incoherent treatment of inapplicable data (Maddison, 1993). We also present the results of tree searches with the algorithm described by Brazeau, Guillerme, & Smith (2019), which reduces error due to inapplicable data in a parsimony setting. Finally, we document how each character is parsimoniously reconstructed on optimal trees.
Brazeau, M. D., Guillerme, T., & Smith, M. R. (2019). An algorithm for morphological phylogenetic analysis with inapplicable data. Systematic Biology, online ahead of print. doi: 10.1093/sysbio/syy083
Maddison, W. P. (1993). Missing data versus missing characters in phylogenetic analysis. Systematic Biology, 42(4), 576–581. doi: 10.1093/sysbio/42.4.576