• Document reading data into R in vignette for new users.
  • Provide package anchors in documentation pages.
  • Improve support for region parameter.
  • region parameter plots a sub-region of the ternary space.
  • Support ... in TernaryContour(Func = function(...)) (#81).
  • Polygon-Geometry now imported from PlotTools. Aliases of these functions are provided but will be removed in a later version of this package.
  • Use characters, not numerics, for version number checks (see https://bugs.r-project.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18548).
  • New function Annotate() annotates points on ternary plot.
  • New option filled to produce filled contour lines in TernaryContour() (#69).
  • Improve clarity of point size plotting example.
  • Native colour bar support in ColourTernary() (#66).
  • Require R 3.5 (due to dependency on “rlang”).
  • Support independent labelling of axes.
  • Fix regression that caused col parameter to be ignored.
  • Fix failure to plot grid when grid.lines is integer.
  • Mention srt graphical parameter in TernaryText() documentation.
  • Colour sub-region of ternary plot with ColourTernary():
    • Add Polygon-Geometry functions for polygon manipulation.
    • Support NA values in ColourTernary().
  • Tidy code formatting and catch typos.
  • Create Holdridge plots using HoldridgePlot() and related functions (#48).
  • Add panel.first and panel.last parameters to TernaryPlot() (fixing #54).
  • Support graphical parameters (e.g. xpd) in TernaryPlot().
  • Add introductory vignette for new R users.
  • Help diagnose non-installation of app.
  • Fix bug in TernaryApp() when ‘colourpicker’ not previously installed.
  • Update to ‘testthat’ edition 3.
  • Use package ‘vdiffr’ conditionally in tests.
  • Trivial documentation improvements.
  • Support user-specified colours in ColourTernary().
  • More options for controlling axis colours in TernaryPlot().
  • Add examples to documentation.
  • axis.labels example in vignette.
  • TernaryArrows adds arrows to a ternary plot.

New features

  • Add support for contour plots and density shading.

Bug fixes

  • Improve configuration options by allowing:
    • Custom colouration of axis text;
    • Modification of axis tick length.
  • Plot minor lines between grid lines, with options to customise appearance.
  • Document magnification options.
  • Add function JoinTheDots() to plot lines and points simultaneously.
  • Support xlim & ylim for TernaryPlot().
  • Choose direction of plot using new point parameter.
  • Allow labelling of tips and of sides (alab becomes atip).
  • Improved control over labelling of plot (clab.rotate parameter).
  • Improve documentation.
  • Added colour-blind compatible colour palettes cbPalette8 and cbPalette15.
  • Support lab.font in TernaryPlot().
  • Generates ternary plots with vertical left axis.