Metadata for methods examined in this package.
tdAbbrevs tdPlotSequence tdMdAbbrevs tdBoxAbbrevs tdMethods tdCol TDFunctions TDPair
An object of class expression
of length 27.
An object of class character
of length 20.
An object of class expression
of length 27.
An object of class character
of length 27.
An object of class character
of length 24.
An object of class character
of length 27.
An object of class list
of length 25.
An object of class list
of length 24.
Scripts used to generate data objects are housed in the
lists abbreviations for each method, using expressions to allow
formatting of text when plotted.
lists the 20 methods discussed in the main article,
in the sequence in which they are plotted in figures.
uses markdown formatting.
uses line breaks to fit abbreviations in an approximately
square bounding box.
provides each method with a suitable plotting colour.
lists for each method a function that will calculate the
distance between two trees or lists of trees.
lists for each method a function to calculate the distance
between one tree (tr
) and another tree (ref