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NodeDepth() evaluates how "deep" each node is within a tree.


NodeDepth(x, shortest = FALSE, includeTips = TRUE)



A tree of class phylo, its $edge property, or a list thereof.


Logical specifying whether to calculate the length of the shortest away-from-root path to a leaf. If FALSE, the length of the longest such route will be returned.


Logical specifying whether to include leaves (each of depth zero) in return value.


NodeDepth() returns an integer vector specifying the depth of each external and internal node in x.


For a rooted tree, the depth of a node is the minimum (if shortest = TRUE) or maximum (shortest = FALSE) number of edges that must be traversed, moving away from the root, to reach a leaf.

Unrooted trees are treated as if a root node occurs in the "middle" of the tree, meaning the position that will minimise the maximum node depth.

See also

ape::node.depth returns the number of tips descended from a node.

Other tree navigation: AncestorEdge(), CladeSizes(), DescendantEdges(), EdgeAncestry(), EdgeDistances(), ListAncestors(), MRCA(), MatchEdges(), NDescendants(), NodeNumbers(), NodeOrder(), RootNode()


tree <- CollapseNode(BalancedTree(10), c(12:13, 19))
nodelabels(NodeDepth(tree, includeTips = FALSE))