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Renumber() numbers the nodes and tips in a tree to conform with the phylo standards.





A tree of class phylo.


Renumber() returns a tree of class phylo, numbered in a Cladewise fashion consistent with the expectations of ape functions.


The ape class phylo is not formally defined, but expects trees' internal representation to conform to certain principles: for example, nodes should be numbered sequentially, with values increasing away from the root.

Renumber() attempts to reformat any tree into a representation that will not cause ape functions to produce unwanted results or to crash R.

See also

Preorder() provides a faster and simpler alternative, but also rotates nodes.

Other tree manipulation: AddTip(), CollapseNode(), ConsensusWithout(), DropTip(), EnforceOutgroup(), ImposeConstraint(), KeptPaths(), KeptVerts(), LeafLabelInterchange(), MakeTreeBinary(), RenumberTips(), RenumberTree(), RootTree(), SortTree(), Subtree(), TipTimedTree(), TrivialTree


tree <- RandomTree(letters[1:10])
#> Phylogenetic tree with 10 tips and 8 internal nodes.
#> Tip labels:
#>   f, g, i, j, c, d, ...
#> Unrooted; no branch length.